案例详情/Case details
流水淙淙 烟雨小楼
    发布时间: 2018-01-04 20:36    
流水淙淙 烟雨小楼
在审美意趣的达成上则以“江南”为立意,流水淙淙 烟雨小楼 山影重叠的韵味,以去显性符号式的表达,含蓄写意,隐喻人文,以现代的手法,自然的清雅,去注入江南之风情,在细节处别出心裁,别生意趣。
The aesthetic interest is centered around “Jiangnan”,To highlight the charm of flowing water, misty pavilion, and overlapping hill-shade,Ways of expression free of dominant symbol are used for the metaphor of humanity, like the implicit freehand brushwork,Modern techniques and natural elegance are applied to breathe life into the ethos of Jiangnan ,Originality in the details thus gives birth to unique fun.

A tree of beautiful and vigorous vitality at first sight,Defines the Jiangnan rhyme of the space.Overlapping hill-shade and the continuity of pavilions, terraces and pavilions,Spread slowly as the spatial walk advances,Not much fanfare, nor much playing up,A few strokes of Jiangnan freehand style,Give the modern spatial framework endless connotations.

An obvious return to life aesthetics embracing humanity and nature.Artistic aesthetics thinking of art of each spatial element,Is driven by ingenious scheming to deliver the emotional experience.

Fashionable sculpture represents the modern tonality and interest of the space,Attracting the attention of the walker at the first glance,While offering a visual directivity,Introducing the next scene in the direction of the vision,From the spatial exploration to the panoramic insight,The "close" and "opening" of the zigzag dynamic line,The always-changing sense of order and borderless walking,Naturally giving birth to the spatial rhythm .Each functional space area is independent,While supporting the communication between each other's spatial context

Presenting the image sense of lens composition.A thousand charms of unfolded landscape, a quiet path of feelings,Peep into every perspective of the scene,Can become the unique art installation of Jiangnan poetry in the space.The multiple use of mirrors releases the infinite potential for spatial growth,Extended interior scene increases the dimension and pattern of the space,Creating infinite visual sense in a limited space.A peep in the mirror links to emotional chemical reaction,The interweaving and interaction of real image and mirror image in space,Adding to the sense of mystery and interest of space experience.Taste and fun form the keynote of the whole space grade,From the visual tension generated by the void and reality on the space frame, at macro level,To the Jewelry sculpture full of artistic sense, at micro level,The implantation of every kind of freehand atmosphere,Is meant to spark the emotional individuality of the space.

As the winding path reaches the end of seclusion, an open world is reveled.A circuit formed by the division of functional areas,Represents the open line of spatial expression,The visual guidance line is the dark line for psychological and behavioral motivation,From the architectural space to the small element transitions,And the deliberate constraints of moving line to the blocks.All serve the initiative planning ,Minimalist modern style,Gather with the intimate natural mood.To redefine the relationship between man, city and nature,Walking through, one feels both the contemporary simple and elegant artistic synesthesia,And a delighted experience of unwinding in nature,Common implication of the vane of the future city dwellings.


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